Friday, February 01, 2008

And after 18 Democratic debates... is now jumpball between Obama and Clinton.

It is the best Obama can hope for. With the momentum and the wind at his back, Obama and his supporters will go into the next round of nominating contests hoping to deadlock the delegate count. And if Super Tuesday comes and goes without a clear decision for the nomination, the longer it remains one-on-one between the two left standing, the more time Obama has to deliver his message to the American electorate that a new day in America requires a complete sweep of everything about the status quo of the last two decades, and the more time Americans have to realize that enough is enough of Bush and Clinton running Washington.

No doubt Clinton can't wait for polling places on Super Tuesday to close, but what she is really hoping for is for the nomination fight to end right then and there. Should it go the distance, the undecideds in the Democratic wing of the electorate will grow tired of her and Bill and all the baggage they carry with them.

It was a good night for both candidates, but moreso for Obama.

The new USMNT jersey

That has to be the ugliest jersey I've seen since 2001. I didn't know we had a whole slew of Nats who played professional golf too.